"Play With Fire" - American Idol Response

I was a little nervous when I heard it was Rolling Stones week on American Idol, because I'm not primarily a rock singer. But when I heard Didi Benami perform "Play With Fire," I knew I had a song I could call my own. I worked on this with Rick Warren, who produced "Michael (The One And Only)." I really like working with Rick.

This might be my personal favorite so far, along with "Wicked Game," which is also dark with a slightly similar vibe. I hope you like it. I've been getting a lot of comments on youtube but not a lot here so please feel free to comment here or there as you like.

Most importantly, please share with your friends! It means the world to me. This is the link to the video to share it with people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX2KuBk6QQE (you can cut and paste and send to people so they can see it).